Wednesday, November 20, 2013

What If Being Gay Was Normal and Straight People Were Faggots?

I just finished watching this video and I am literally in tears. I was the victim of cruelty and misunderstanding growing up and it still brings up painful memories that I have yet to fully deal with. I am glad these people made this film. This is why I fight for, and feel so strongly about, equal rights for all people. 

My oldest son came to me a few weeks ago and said, "I think I may be bisexual." I said, "Ok." and asked him how his day was. I don't care if you love another man or woman. All I care about is how you TREAT another man or woman.

Watch this, please. It's a very important movie. And thank you for listening to me ramble.

Saturday, November 9, 2013

Lipstick is the New "Retarded"

It's been a while since I've blogged. Between raising a new puppy, trying to keep said puppy from eating every stick of furniture we own, working on the new AFM album, being sick with a sinus infection/check cold, and being depressed over how our IndieGoGo campaign turned out, I have had little time to do jack shit. Between all said above, I've filled my remaining sane moments with sleep and Grand Theft Auto Online. I love that damn game. If you haven't checked out some of my entries on it, you can find them here and here.

I started out writing this blog hoping that I could pull some sort of rant out of my ass, or a funny story, or quip, or what the fuck ever. No such luck so far. I think the latest thing that I was ranting about recently was about Kat Von D's new lipstick (called "Celebutard") and how the name of the lipstick has pissed off the latest fringe group of anti-"R-word" activists.

But really, is there anything more that needs to be said about the subject? Yeah, I know it's a really sensitive subject for some people, but I don't care. It's a non-issue and I have to agree with her when she said, "At the end of the day, it's just a f - - - - - - lipstick,"

Yup. At the end of the day, it's all just f------ lipstick, folks.