Thursday, May 8, 2014

Grand Theft Auto Online: The World of Citizen Kain

After posting a few things on here (here and here and here) about Grand Theft Auto 5 and Grand Theft Auto Online, I thought that maybe some of you would be curious about my online character and some of the things I have acquired in the online world: vehicles, clothing, dwellings, weapons, etc. Below are some images of myself and my stuff in GTA Online. I will try to update this post when I get new shit going on -- if I don't get lazy about it, that is.

Any changes or additions made will be noted at the bottom of this page, right below the post.

My Vehicles

(Some are multiple shots of the same vehicle)

My Apartment

My Character



And finally I'll leave you with this gem...


Changes, Additions, or Subtractions:

None yet