Monday, October 14, 2013

Movin' on Up (Re: Fuck Word Press)

So I've decided to move my blog over here to blogger. If you have never read my old blog, you haven't missed out on shit. But if you really want to look at it, here's a link. Really, it's nothing to get excited about.

I made the move over to blogger for my freedom. *sniff* It's the American way. *sniff sniff*

No, not that kind of freedom. I left wordpress because they won't let me customize my page anymore. Sure I can add widgets 'n shit. But if I want to update the look of my page -- and let's face it, my old blog looks like sheeeeeee-it -- then I have to pay them money to do that. I'm sorry, but fuck you. I'll pay money for a lot of stupid shit, but to do basic stuff to my blog page? Fuck that. Not when blogger will let me do what I want and I have to pay zero dollars for it. THAT, my friends, IS the American way.

So here I am on blogger with my first post and I have nothing to really write about except for this whiney little rant. I guess if you want some kind of preview of the shit that I write about, you can check the following links from my old blog:

That's about as good as it gets. But there will probably be less shilling of my band and projects (who am I kidding?) and more in-depth crap like the first and third link. Or maybe not. Who the hell knows? I do this because I get bored.

And speaking of getting bored, why the hell have you made it this far into my blog post? Seriously, is there nothing else you could be doing with your free time? Here's some ideas:

1. You could go for a walk. Take the dog with you. He looks like he's gotta pee, for fucks sake.

2. Go start a blog about how much this blog sucks. 

3. Pray to Jesus. It's about as productive as what you're doing right now.

4. Friend me on Facebook. I warn you, though, I'm about as thrilling as I am right here.

5. Go check out my band's music. This, actually, is a good thing.

6. Tell Pat Robertson to go fuck himself. If you put it on youtube I'll post it on my blog.

Or whatever. 

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