Wednesday, April 30, 2014

Why Should a Bi Have to Pick a Side? (The Labeling of Bisexuals from Both Sides of the Fence)

I've been neglecting my blog for a long time and recently the urge to write again has creeped back in. There's been a lot of controversies going on lately: from the Malaysia flight disappearance, to the L.A. Clippers racism situation, to a new Kurt Cobain note released decades after his death, to the... fuck, I don't know. I stop paying attention after a while. All the news sensationalism becomes a blur. But none of that is really that interesting to me.

No, the question on my mind lately has been:
"I wonder what percentage of the population in the United States is gay and is the statistic at all accurate?"

Why? I don't know. Random questions pop in my head all the time.

Like this guy. Who the hell is THIS guy, anyway??

In skimming through a few pages (here, here, here, and here) I found that the answer isn't very cut and dry. I shouldn't be too surprised by this due to the fact that some people are still in the closet. Also some people are bisexual and don't call themselves gay. And, of course, some probably just don't think it's anyone else's damn business. I get that.

As an analysis of the subject matter, I am more interested in the bisexual aspect, however. Do bisexual men and women consider themselves gay? If so, would they be counted in the gay/straight "census?" If they don't consider themselves gay, what would do they consider themselves? I've seen people refer to themselves as pansexual (or heteroflexible) which is probably less porno sounding than the term bi or bisexual. And it tones down some of the stigma of being bisexual.

That also is another thing that I have heard about, and seen, with some of my gay friends over the years. Some gay people (and straight people) are annoyed by bisexuals. I don't get this, personally. But the argument is usually that the bisexual person should PICK A SIDE! That kind of thinking kind of reminds me of how a Republican would react. Very black and white, cut and dry, it's either this or that or nothing. But why?

I see nothing wrong with being sexual with another adult partner, regardless of gender, if it's consensual. If no one is getting hurt, what is the harm? Why does a side have to be chosen? So people can label? Not everyone, or everything, can be neatly categorized. Nor should they be. But I digress.

Actually, I have no idea where I'm going with this. This tends to be the case when I really want to write about something, but my brain is not flowing in any kind of linear format. And so you don't feel too let down, I'll leave you with a picture of a couple of bisexual chicks.



  1. Good point. Up until recently I didn't know there was discrimination against the b in LGbT. I happily set up a pitch to a well known member of the LGbT community about an outrageous comedy of a bi woman who could not or would not make up her mind. Based on a true story and an award winning play. End result: They took it as an insult and don't want to hear from me ever again, I didn't even the usual this project does not fit our current slate or some other excuse.

  2. Sadly, it's true. I'm not sure why people are so against others who want to defy labels, but it's very prevalent. Your movie idea sounds pretty kool. Let me know if you ever decide to run with it and I'll work with you on it.
